


  1. a combining form occurring in adjectives that correspond to nouns ending in -pathy:



/ ˈpæθɪk /


  1. a catamite
  2. a person who suffers; victim


  1. of or relating to a catamite
  2. of or relating to suffering

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Word History and Origins

Origin of -pathic1

From New Latin; -pathy, -ic

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Word History and Origins

Origin of -pathic1

C17: via Latin from Greek pathikos passive; see pathos

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Example Sentences

I find no instance in history of that emperor's being a Pathic, though Persius seems to brand him with it.

He was the favourite pathic of Cardinal Borghese, and supped every evening with his eminence.

Again, he observes that it is as easy to recognise a pathic by his impudent behaviour as a gymnast by his muscles.

He was famous for having been the lover of one of the most exalted Venetian ladies, and at the same time her husband's pathic.

A mighty man thou art, Naso, yet is a man not mighty who doth stoop like thee: Naso thou art mighty—and pathic.


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Words That Use -pathic

What does -pathic mean?

The combining form -pathic is used like a suffix to denote an adjective related to nouns that end in -pathy, which can mean variously “disease,” “suffering,” or “treatment of disease.” The form -pathic is specifically used to mean “diseased.” It is often used in medical terms, especially in pathology.

The form -pathic ultimately comes from Greek pátheia, meaning “suffering” or “feeling.” The form is combined with the suffix -ic, from Latin -icus, which is used to denote an adjective.

What are variants of -pathic?

While -path doesn’t have any immediate variants, it is closely related to three other combining forms, -path, -pathia, and -pathy. Want to know more? Check out our Words That Use entries for all three forms.

Examples of -pathic

One example of a term that you may be familiar with that features the form -pathic is sociopathic, “having the traits of or relating to a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.”

The form socio- has a variety of meanings, including “social” and “society.” The form -pathic roughly means “diseased,” so sociopathic literally means “socially diseased.”

What are some words that use the combining form -pathic?

What are some other forms that -pathic may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form cyto- means “cell.” With this in mind, what does the pathological term cytopathic refer to?


