
[ baj-er ]
See synonyms for badger on
  1. any of various burrowing, carnivorous mammals of the family Mustelidae, as Taxidea taxus, of North America, and Meles meles, of Europe and Asia.

  2. the fur of this mammal.

  1. Australian.

  2. (initial capital letter) a native or inhabitant of Wisconsin (the Badger State ) (used as a nickname).

  3. a swablike device for cleaning excess mortar from the interiors of newly laid tile drains.

verb (used with object)
  1. to harass or urge persistently; pester; nag: I had to badger him into coming with us.

Origin of badger

1515–25; variant of badgeard, perhaps badge + -ard, in allusion to white mark or badge on head

Other words for badger

Other words from badger

  • un·badg·ered, adjective
  • un·badg·er·ing, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use badger in a sentence

  • Many a fight he had in the darkness with badgers and pole-cats.

    Captains of Industry | James Parton
  • People talk of badgers and such like, and yet no one says a word about exterminating attorneys!

  • Droll, indeed, were the revels of the young badgers when the parents were hunting far away.

    Creatures of the Night | Alfred W. Rees
  • The badgers, on returning home, were sorely puzzled at the change that had taken place during their absence.

    Creatures of the Night | Alfred W. Rees

British Dictionary definitions for badger


/ (ˈbædʒə) /

  1. any of various stocky omnivorous musteline mammals of the subfamily Melinae, such as Meles meles (Eurasian badger), occurring in Europe, Asia, and North America: order Carnivora (carnivores). They are typically large burrowing animals, with strong claws and a thick coat striped black and white on the head: Compare ferret badger, hog badger

  2. honey badger another name for ratel

  1. (tr) to pester or harass

Origin of badger

C16: variant of badgeard, probably from badge (from the white mark on its forehead) + -ard

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