
[ key-per ]
See synonyms for caper on
verb (used without object)
  1. to leap or skip about in a sprightly manner; prance; frisk; gambol.

  1. a playful leap or skip.

  2. a prank or trick; harebrained escapade.

  1. a frivolous, carefree episode or activity.

  2. Slang. a criminal or illegal act, as a burglary or robbery.

Idioms about caper

  1. cut a caper. cut (def. 87).

Origin of caper

First recorded in 1585–95; probably shortening and alteration of capriole

Other words for caper

Other words from caper

  • ca·per·er, noun
  • ca·per·ing·ly, adverb
  • un·ca·per·ing, adjective

Other definitions for caper (2 of 2)

[ key-per ]

  1. a spiny shrub, Capparis spinosa, of Mediterranean regions, having roundish leaves and solitary white flowers.

  2. its flower bud, which is pickled and used for garnish or seasoning.

Origin of caper

1350–1400; back formation from capers (taken for plural), Middle English caperes<Latin capparis<Greek kápparis Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use caper in a sentence

  • Watch capered about furiously, taking little swims in the pool and sniffing at all the dear old familiar things.

    The Box-Car Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
  • Rob capered about and cheered; Edith danced around ringing the dinner-bell and shouting, "Victory!"

  • He capered along on the high-road, as he returned to the inn where his fellow-traveler was waiting his return.

    Rudy and Babette | Hans Christian Andersen
  • We danced, we capered, at the risk of our necks, among the slippery kayaks.

    Left on Labrador | Charles Asbury Stephens
  • And as the little figure capered away into the sunshine: 'They grow up and become men.

    Kim | Rudyard Kipling

British Dictionary definitions for caper (1 of 2)


/ (ˈkeɪpə) /

  1. a playful skip or leap

  2. a high-spirited escapade

  1. cut a caper or cut capers

    • to skip or jump playfully

    • to act or behave playfully; frolic

  2. slang a crime, esp an organized robbery

  3. Australian informal a job or occupation

  4. Australian informal a person's behaviour

  1. (intr) to leap or dance about in a light-hearted manner

Origin of caper

C16: probably from capriole

Derived forms of caper

  • caperer, noun
  • caperingly, adverb

British Dictionary definitions for caper (2 of 2)


/ (ˈkeɪpə) /

  1. a spiny trailing Mediterranean capparidaceous shrub, Capparis spinosa, with edible flower buds

  2. any of various similar plants or their edible parts: See also bean caper, capers

Origin of caper

C15: from earlier capers, capres (assumed to be plural), from Latin capparis, from Greek kapparis

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