
[ keyk ]
See synonyms for cake on
  1. a sweet, baked, breadlike food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring.

  2. a flat, thin mass of bread, especially unleavened bread.

  1. a shaped or molded mass of other food: a fish cake.

  2. a shaped or compressed mass: a cake of soap; a cake of ice.

  3. Animal Husbandry. a compacted block of soybeans, cottonseeds, or linseeds from which the oil has been pressed, usually used as a feed or feed supplement for cattle.

verb (used with object),caked, cak·ing.
  1. to form into a crust or compact mass.

verb (used without object),caked, cak·ing.
  1. to become formed into a crust or compact mass.

Idioms about cake

  1. a piece of cake, Informal. something easily done: She thought her first solo flight was a piece of cake.

  2. take the cake, Informal.

    • to surpass all others, especially in some undesirable quality; be extraordinary or unusual: His arrogance takes the cake.

    • to win first prize.

Origin of cake

1200–50; Middle English <Old Norse kaka; akin to Middle English kechel little cake, German Kuchen;see cookie

Other words for cake

Other words from cake

  • caky, cakey, adjective
  • non·cak·ing, adjective, noun
  • un·cake, verb (used with object), un·caked, un·cak·ing.

Words Nearby cake Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use cake in a sentence

  • They would feed him apples, potatoes and sometimes bits of cake that Bob's mother gave them.

    Squinty the Comical Pig | Richard Barnum
  • It was with much amazement that they watched Henrietta absorb sandwiches, cake, eggs, and fruit.

  • She peered around the room for the last time, and then dropped two small clean towels and a cake of soap into the bag.

    The Box-Car Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
  • The celebrant sprinkled the victim with wine and salted cake, and made a symbolic gesture with the knife.

  • Then they all had coffee and cake, shook hands with Pete Senior, and went to their homes and laboratories.

British Dictionary definitions for cake


/ (keɪk) /

  1. a baked food, usually in loaf or layer form, typically made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and eggs

  2. a flat thin mass of bread, esp unleavened bread

  1. a shaped mass of dough or other food of similar consistency: a fish cake

  2. a mass, slab, or crust of a solidified or compressed substance, as of soap or ice

  3. have one's cake and eat it to enjoy both of two desirable but incompatible alternatives

  4. go like hot cakes or sell like hot cakes informal to be sold very quickly or in large quantities

  5. piece of cake informal something that is easily achieved or obtained

  6. take the cake informal to surpass all others, esp in stupidity, folly, etc

  7. informal the whole or total of something that is to be shared or divided: the miners are demanding a larger slice of the cake; that is a fair method of sharing the cake

  1. (tr) to cover with a hard layer; encrust: the hull was caked with salt

  2. to form or be formed into a hardened mass

Origin of cake

C13: from Old Norse kaka; related to Danish kage, German Kuchen

Derived forms of cake

  • cakey or caky, adjective

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with cake


see eat one's cake and have it, too; flat as a pancake; icing on the cake; nutty as a fruitcake; piece of cake; sell like hot cakes; slice of the pie (cake); take the cake.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.