
[ kuhm-pyoot ]
See synonyms for compute on
verb (used with object),com·put·ed, com·put·ing.
  1. to determine by calculation; reckon; calculate: These early astronomers computed the period of Jupiter's revolution.

  2. to determine by using a computer or calculator.

verb (used without object),com·put·ed, com·put·ing.
  1. to reckon; calculate.

  2. to use a computer or calculator.

  1. Informal. to make sense; add up: His reasons for doing that just don't compute.

  1. computation: Outer space is vast beyond compute.

  2. the processing, memory, and storage resources required for a computer, network, or program to function: To meet today's business demands, you need a solid foundation of compute.

  1. relating to or comprising the processing, memory, and storage resources required for a computer or program to function: The system uses intelligent load balancing so as to maximally utilize the available compute power.

Origin of compute

First recorded in 1375–1425, for an earlier sense; 1580–90 for def. 6; (for the verb) from Latin computāre, from com- com- + putāre “to think”; (for the noun) late Middle English from Middle French from Late Latin computus “calculation, number,” noun derivative of computāre; cf. count1, putative

Other words for compute

Other words from compute

  • com·put·a·ble, adjective
  • com·put·a·bil·i·ty [kuhm-pyoo-tuh-bil-i-tee], /kəmˌpyu təˈbɪl ɪ ti/, noun
  • com·put·a·bly, adverb
  • com·put·ist [kuhm-pyoo-tist, kom-pyoo-], /kəmˈpyu tɪst, ˈkɒm pyʊ-/, noun
  • mis·com·pute, verb, mis·com·put·ed, mis·com·put·ing.
  • pre·com·pute, verb, pre·com·put·ed, pre·com·put·ing.
  • re·com·pute, verb (used with object), re·com·put·ed, re·com·put·ing.
  • un·com·put·a·ble, adjective
  • un·com·put·a·ble·ness, noun
  • un·com·put·a·bly, adverb
  • un·com·put·ed, adjective

Words Nearby compute Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use compute in a sentence

  • To tell how long it takes to cross th' Atlantic compute th' elapsed time fr'm boordin' house to boordin' house.

    Mr. Dooley Says | Finley Dunne
  • I do not doubt that they easily accomplished the return journey, for we cannot compute the distance they can cover in a day.

    Ocean to Ocean on Horseback | Willard Glazier
  • Hence we may compute that the shining or burning matter must be above three miles in diameter.

  • "If we compute in the timing in our blinker system at opposite sides of the orbit, I think we can do it," Arcot said.

    Islands of Space | John W Campbell
  • When we have ascertained exactly how little will serve we shall be able to compute how long we shall be able to exist.

    The Poison Belt | Arthur Conan Doyle

British Dictionary definitions for compute


/ (kəmˈpjuːt) /

  1. to calculate (an answer, result, etc), often with the aid of a computer

  1. calculation; computation (esp in the phrase beyond compute)

Origin of compute

C17: from Latin computāre, from putāre to think

Derived forms of compute

  • computable, adjective
  • computability, noun

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