
[ kon-kawr-dns, kuhn- ]
See synonyms for concordance on
  1. agreement; concord; harmony: the concordance of the membership.

  2. an alphabetical index of the principal words of a book, as of the Bible, with a reference to the passage in which each occurs.

  1. an alphabetical index of subjects or topics.

  2. (in genetic studies) the degree of similarity in a pair of twins with respect to the presence or absence of a particular disease or trait.

Origin of concordance

1350–1400; Middle English concordaunce<Anglo-French, equivalent to Middle French concordance<Medieval Latin concordantia.See concord, -ance

Words Nearby concordance Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use concordance in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for concordance


/ (kənˈkɔːdəns) /

  1. a state or condition of agreement or harmony

  2. a book that indexes the principal words in a literary work, often with the immediate context and an account of the meaning

  1. an index produced by computer or machine, alphabetically listing every word in a text

  2. an alphabetical list of subjects or topics

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