
[ fyood ]
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  1. Also called blood feud. a bitter, continuous hostility, especially between two families, clans, etc., often lasting for many years or generations.

  2. a bitter quarrel or contention: a feud between labor and management.

verb (used without object)
  1. to engage in a feud.

Origin of feud

1300–50; variant of fead (a misread as u), Middle English fede<Middle French fe(i)de<Old High German fēhida; cognate with Old English fǣhth enmity. See foe, -th1

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Other definitions for feud (2 of 2)

[ fyood ]

Origin of feud

1605–15; <Medieval Latin feudum, variant of feodum.See fee

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use feud in a sentence

  • A border feud at Reedsquair, between the English and Scottish marchmen, in which the former were completely beaten.

  • So bitter was the feud that either would have borne cheerfully a loss to prevent the other from making a profit.

    Scattergood Baines | Clarence Budington Kelland
  • As Scattergood well knew, the feud had its inception in religion as religion is practiced in that community.

    Scattergood Baines | Clarence Budington Kelland
  • That evening Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. Pettybone, childhood friends, long separated by the feud, stopped to speak to Scattergood.

    Scattergood Baines | Clarence Budington Kelland
  • But they are a mere handful, quite insignificant, kept alive mainly by the Most and Peukert feud.

    Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist | Alexander Berkman

British Dictionary definitions for feud (1 of 2)


/ (fjuːd) /

  1. long and bitter hostility between two families, clans, or individuals; vendetta

  2. a quarrel or dispute

  1. (intr) to take part in or carry on a feud

Origin of feud

C13 fede, from Old French feide, from Old High German fēhida; related to Old English fæhth hostility; see foe

British Dictionary definitions for feud (2 of 2)



/ (fjuːd) /

  1. feudal law land held in return for service

Origin of feud

C17: from Medieval Latin feodum, of Germanic origin; see fee

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