
[ gawl ]

  1. an ancient region in W Europe, including the modern areas of N Italy, France, Belgium, and the S Netherlands: consisted of two main divisions, one part S of the Alps (Cisalpine Gaul ) and another part N of the Alps (Transalpine Gaul ).

  2. Latin Gallia. a province of the ancient Roman Empire, including the territory corresponding to modern France, Belgium, the S Netherlands, Switzerland, N Italy, and Germany W of the Rhine.

  1. an inhabitant of the ancient region of Gaul.

  2. a native or inhabitant of France. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Gaul in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for Gaul


/ (ɡɔːl) /

  1. an ancient region of W Europe corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium, part of Germany, and the S Netherlands: divided into Cisalpine Gaul, which became a Roman province before 100 bc, and Transalpine Gaul, which was conquered by Julius Caesar (58–51 bc): Latin name: Gallia

  2. a native of ancient Gaul

  1. a Frenchman

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