
[ mik-ee ]
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noun,plural Mick·eys.
  1. Also called Mickey Finn .Slang. a drink, usually alcoholic, to which a drug, purgative, or the like, has been secretly added, that renders the unsuspecting drinker helpless.

  2. (often lowercase)Also micky. a potato, especially a roasted Irish potato.

  1. a male or female given name.

  1. (sometimes lowercase) mickey mouse.

Origin of Mickey

1925–30, Americanism;Mick (see Mick) + -ey2

Words Nearby Mickey

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Mickey in a sentence

  • Mickey was faithful during the following week, and the "Aurora" was finished almost to his satisfaction.

    The White Shield | Myrtle Reed
  • By this time they were so angry that Mickey, seeing how things were going, and I being a mere lad, took me from the room.

    The O'Ruddy | Stephen Crane
  • I stopped to listen, and soon detected in one of the speakers my friend Mickey Free; of the other I was not long in ignorance.

  • As I could not help feeling some curiosity in this matter, I pressed Mickey for an explanation.

  • "Well, that calls for celebration," said Mickey, as she drank her whiskey.

    Hookers | Richard F. Mann

British Dictionary definitions for mickey (1 of 3)



/ (ˈmɪkɪ) /

  1. take the mickey or take the mickey out of someone informal to tease someone

Origin of mickey

C20: of unknown origin

British Dictionary definitions for mickey (2 of 3)



/ (ˈmɪkɪ) /

  1. Australian informal a young bull, esp one that is wild and unbranded

British Dictionary definitions for mickey (3 of 3)


/ (ˈmɪkɪ) /

  1. Canadian a liquor bottle of 0.375 litre capacity, flat on one side and curved on the other to fit into a pocket

Origin of mickey

C20: of unknown origin

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012