
[ muhd-l ]
See synonyms for muddle on
verb (used with object),mud·dled, mud·dling.
  1. to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.

  2. to cause to become mentally confused.

  1. to cause to become confused or stupid with or as if with an intoxicating drink.

  2. to make muddy or turbid, as water.

    • to mix, crush, or mash (an ingredient) into a drink, especially with a muddler.

    • to mix or stir (a cocktail, chocolate, etc.).

  3. Ceramics. to smooth (clay) by rubbing it on glass.

verb (used without object),mud·dled, mud·dling.
  1. to behave, proceed, or think in a confused or aimless fashion or with an air of improvisation: Some people just muddle along, waiting for their big break.

  1. the state or condition of being muddled, especially a confused mental state.

  2. a confused, disordered, or embarrassing condition; mess.

Verb Phrases
  1. muddle through, to achieve a certain degree of success but without much skill, polish, experience, or direction: None of us knew much about staging a variety show, so we just had to muddle through.

Origin of muddle

First recorded in 1540–50; mud + -le; cognate with Middle Dutch moddelen “to muddy”

Other words for muddle

Opposites for muddle

Other words from muddle

  • mud·dled·ness, mud·dle·ment, noun
  • mud·dling·ly, adverb
  • pre·mud·dle, noun, verb (used with object), pre·mud·dled, pre·mud·dling.

Words Nearby muddle Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use muddle in a sentence

  • Now, contrast that awful muddle of unreason and injustice with what you call my "counsels of despair."

    God and my Neighbour | Robert Blatchford
  • Here the Scot entered into explanations which threw the Cockney's brain into a complete muddle.

    Friend Mac Donald | Max O'Rell
  • I mean—Well, anyhow I take it Mr. Remington stands for constructing a civilised state out of this muddle.

    The New Machiavelli | Herbert George Wells
  • It's all a muddle, a compromise, a monstrosity, like everything else you produce; there's nothing in it that goes on all-fours.

    The Awkward Age | Henry James
  • And I'm a cripple, and she's beautiful—— Oh, my mind's in a muddle!

    Patchwork | Anna Balmer Myers

British Dictionary definitions for muddle


/ (ˈmʌdəl) /

  1. (often foll by up) to mix up (objects, items, etc); jumble

  2. to confuse

  1. to make (water) muddy or turbulent

  2. US to mix or stir (alcoholic drinks, etc)

  1. a state of physical or mental confusion

Origin of muddle

C16: perhaps from Middle Dutch moddelen to make muddy

Derived forms of muddle

  • muddled, adjective
  • muddledness or muddlement, noun
  • muddling, adjective, noun
  • muddlingly, adverb
  • muddly, adjective

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