
[ oh-liv-ee-uh ]

  1. a female given name, form of Olive.

Words Nearby Olivia

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Olivia in a sentence

  • Olivia Langdon improved steadily, and now at twenty-two, though not robust—she was never that—she was comparatively well.

  • You lament, my dear child, that such an affectionate heart, such great abilities as Olivia's should be lost to society.

    Leonora | Maria Edgeworth
  • It must have been hard for Olivia Langdon to keep this wonderful surprise out of those daily letters.

  • Adieu, my adorable Olivia: I will send you by the first opportunity your Lyons gown, which is really charming.

    Leonora | Maria Edgeworth
  • Lady Olivia had the malice suddenly to appeal to Leonora, and asked, whether she was never jealous of her husband?

    Leonora | Maria Edgeworth