
[ pohn ]

nounSouth Midland and Southern U.S.
  1. Also called pone bread . a baked or fried bread usually made of cornmeal.

  2. a loaf or oval-shaped cake of any type of bread, especially cornbread.

Origin of pone

An Americanism dating back to 1605–15; from Virginia Algonquian (English spelling) apones, appoans, poan, from Proto-Algonquian apwa·n (unattested) “thing roasted or baked”

Other definitions for pone (2 of 2)

[ pohn ]

  1. the player on the dealer's right.: Compare eldest hand.

  2. the player who opposes the dealer in a game with two players.

Origin of pone

1885–90; <Latin pōne, 2nd person singular imperative of pōnere to place

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use pone in a sentence

  • The corn-bread pones vanished down their throats as fast as she could take them from the hot ashes in which they were baked.

  • That day, too, Gram had "mug-bread," and for supper pones made into Johnny-reb toast.

    When Life Was Young | C. A. Stephens
  • "And some candied sweet potatoes and corn pones and pear pickle," Molly broke in.

  • His waist was thick with pones of sinew bulging over the hips, as one sees in the statue of Discobolus.

    The Cruise of the Dry Dock | T. S. Stribling
  • Work well with the hands, pat out in long, narrow pones, six or seven inches long and as wide as the wrist.

    Housekeeping in Old Virginia | Marion Cabell Tyree

British Dictionary definitions for pone (1 of 2)


/ (pəʊn) /

nounSouthern US
  1. Also called: pone bread, corn pone bread made of maize

  2. a loaf or cake of this

Origin of pone

C17: from Algonquian; compare Delaware apán baked

British Dictionary definitions for pone (2 of 2)


/ (pəʊn, ˈpəʊnɪ) /

  1. cards the player to the right of the dealer, or the nondealer in two-handed games

Origin of pone

C19: from Latin: put!, that is, play, from ponere to put

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