
[ stel-uh ]

  1. a four-dollar pattern coin of the U.S. having a metal content based on the metric system, issued 1879–80: designed to be used as an international coin.

Other definitions for Stella (2 of 2)

[ stel-uh ]

  1. Frank (Phillip), born 1936, U.S. painter.

  2. Joseph, 1887–1946, U.S. painter, born in Italy.

  1. a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “star.” Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use stella in a sentence

  • Stellas delight seemed to mount with every moment, but Esther grew so quiet at last that the others rallied her on her soberness.

    Wheat and Huckleberries | Charlotte Marion (White) Vaile
  • Multi hos errores frustra conati sunt emendare per polares stellas, alii per Lunae cursum, alii certius per eclipses.

    Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Vol II | Edward Luther Stevenson
  • Stellas letters have been full of it for the last six months.

    Wheat and Huckleberries | Charlotte Marion (White) Vaile
  • But he knows Stellas gone from your grandfathers now, doesnt he?

    Wheat and Huckleberries | Charlotte Marion (White) Vaile
  • The memory of that immortal love-story has not yet perished, and the house where she lived is still known as Stellas Cottage.