/ (ˈtɛsə) /

n acronym for(in Britain)
  1. Tax Exempt Special Savings Account; a former (available 1991–99) tax-free savings scheme

Words Nearby TESSA

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

How to use TESSA in a sentence

  • I hope that you never will grow up, said TESSA, earnestly, every thing is just as bad as you can dream.

    Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline | Jennie M. Drinkwater
  • TESSA had gone down to her flower-bed to pull a few weeds that had pushed themselves in among her pansies.

    Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline | Jennie M. Drinkwater
  • It is best not to dig and delve for a meaning, Miss TESSA; society sanctions many phrases that you would not speak in sincerity.

    Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline | Jennie M. Drinkwater
  • If you get him, TESSA, youll get a catch, remarked Mrs. Wadsworth watching the effect of her words.

    Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline | Jennie M. Drinkwater
  • TESSA, you are not brilliant, Miss Jewett had once remarked, but you do go right to the spot.

    Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline | Jennie M. Drinkwater