
[ tey-shuhs ]

nounRoman Legend.
  1. a Sabine king who, following the rape of the Sabine women, attacked Rome and eventually ruled with Romulus.

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Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Tatius in a sentence

  • After the death of Tatius, Romulus found himself sole master of the city.

  • Quibus dolose promissis, Tarpeia Sabinos in arcem perduxit, ubi Tatius scutis eam obrui iussit; nam et ea in laevis habuerant.

    Selections from Viri Romae | Charles Franois L'Homond
  • The name of the general who was placed in command of this mighty host was Titus Tatius.

  • Tatius was compelled to assent to these measures, though he yielded very reluctantly.

  • The Senate-house, which is now right worthy of an assemblage so august, when Tatius held the sway, was made of straw.