
US axman

/ (ˈæksmən) /

nounplural -men
  1. a man who wields an axe, esp to cut down trees

  2. a person who makes cuts in expenditure or services, esp on behalf of another: the chancellor's axeman

  1. US slang a man who plays a musical instrument, esp a guitar

Words Nearby axeman

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How to use axeman in a sentence

  • So he took my hand and I went quickly thereafter, the men calling after me "Farewell, axeman!"

    Wulfric the Weapon Thane | Charles W. Whistler
  • Now Lodbrok had told me that when one has a stronger axeman to deal with than one's self the first thing is to guard well.

    Wulfric the Weapon Thane | Charles W. Whistler
  • We need another axeman to clear away the fallen trees and break the nets of grapevine.

    Audrey | Mary Johnston
  • She knew the pay of the forest men, from the haulier to the princely axeman and river-jack.

    The Man in the Twilight | Ridgwell Cullum
  • Large fallen trees lay about, just as the axeman had felled them, and partly consumed by fire.

    The Indian in his Wigwam | Henry R. Schoolcraft