
[ buh-geen ]

  1. a dance in bolero rhythm that originated in Martinique.

  2. a modern social dance based on the beguine.

  1. music for either of these dances.

Origin of beguine

1930–35; <French (West Indies) béguine, feminine derivative of béguinbiggin1, trifling love affair

Words Nearby beguine

Other definitions for Beguine (2 of 2)

[ beg-een, bey-geen, buh-geen ]

nounRoman Catholic Church.
  1. a member of a lay sisterhood, founded in Liège in the 12th century.

Origin of Beguine

1350–1400; Middle English begyne<Middle French beguine, said to be after Lambert (le) Begue (the stammerer), founder of the order; see -ine1 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use beguine in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for beguine (1 of 2)


/ (bɪˈɡiːn) /

  1. a dance of South American origin in bolero rhythm

  2. a piece of music in the rhythm of this dance

  1. a variant of biggin 1

Origin of beguine

C20: from Louisiana French, from French béguin flirtation

British Dictionary definitions for Beguine (2 of 2)


/ (ˈbɛɡiːn) /

  1. a member of a Christian sisterhood that was founded in Liège in the 12th century, and, though not taking religious vows, followed an austere life

Origin of Beguine

C15: from Old French, perhaps after Lambert le Bègue (the Stammerer), 12th-century priest of Liège, who founded the sisterhood

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