
[ din ]
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  1. a loud, confused noise; a continued loud or tumultuous sound; noisy clamor.

verb (used with object),dinned, din·ning.
  1. to assail with din.

  2. to sound or utter with clamor or persistent repetition.

verb (used without object),dinned, din·ning.
  1. to make a din.

Origin of din

First recorded before 900; Middle English din(e) (noun), Old English dyne, dynn; cognate with Old Norse dynr “noise,” Old High German tuni,Sanskrit dhuni “roaring”

synonym study For din

1. See noise.

Other words for din

Other definitions for din (2 of 4)

[ din, deen ]

noun(used with a plural verb)Islam.
  1. religion, especially the religious observances of a Muslim.

Origin of din

From Arabic dīn “religion,” from Persian dēn
  • Also deen [deen] /din/ .

Other definitions for DIN (3 of 4)


  1. a designation, originating in Germany, of the speed of a particular film emulsion.

Origin of DIN

First recorded in 1930–35; from German D(eutsche) I(ndustrie) N(ormen) “German industrial standards” (later construed as Das ist Norm “that is (the) standard”), registered mark of the German Institute for Standardization

Other definitions for Din. (4 of 4)


  1. (in Serbia and Macedonia) dinar; dinars.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use din in a sentence

  • But she dominated, haunted with her grace, the infernal dinning sound of unspeakable defilements.

    Cytherea | Joseph Hergesheimer
  • And, another thing, and I've been dinning this into the men all the week, don't slow down before tackling.

    Left Tackle Thayer | Ralph Henry Barbour
  • She felt choked; the dinning in her ears came again, it beat louder and louder and completely paralysed her.

    Werwolves | Elliott O'Donnell

British Dictionary definitions for din (1 of 5)


/ (dɪn) /

  1. a loud discordant confused noise

verbdins, dinning or dinned
  1. (tr usually foll by into) to instil (into a person) by constant repetition

  2. (tr) to subject to a din

  1. (intr) to make a din

Origin of din

Old English dynn; compare Old Norse dynr, Old High German tuni

British Dictionary definitions for din (2 of 5)


/ (dɪn) /

  1. a particular religious law; the halacha about something

  2. the ruling of a Beth Din or religious court

Origin of din

from Hebrew, literally: judgment

British Dictionary definitions for din (3 of 5)


/ (diːn) /

  1. Islam religion in general, esp the beliefs and obligations of Islam

Origin of din

Arabic, related to dain debt

British Dictionary definitions for DIN (4 of 5)


/ (dɪn) /

  1. a formerly used logarithmic expression of the speed of a photographic film, plate, etc, given as –10log 10 E, where E is the exposure of a point 0.1 density units above the fog level; high-speed films have high numbers: Compare ISO rating

  2. a system of standard plugs, sockets, and cables formerly used for interconnecting domestic audio and video equipment

Origin of DIN

C20: from German D (eutsche) I (ndustrie) N (orm) German Industry Standard

British Dictionary definitions for Din. (5 of 5)


abbreviation for
  1. dinar

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012