dolphin striker

  1. nautical a short vertical strut between the bowsprit and a rope or cable (martingale) from the end of the jib boom to the stem or bows, used for maintaining tension and preventing upward movement of the jib boom: Also called: martingale boom, martingale

Words Nearby dolphin striker

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How to use dolphin striker in a sentence

  • He is always on the dolphin-striker when porpoises are around us, and usually strikes successfully.

  • Pat had caught hold of the dolphin striker, and was making his way up to the bowsprit.

    The Three Admirals | W.H.G. Kingston
  • I did so, but he scrambled down, tumbling and clutching, and gripped me just abaft the dolphin-striker.

    The Grain Ship | Morgan Robertson
  • I scrambled up what I found must be the dolphin striker of a vessel, and thence on to her bowsprit.

    Paddy Finn | W. H. G. Kingston
  • The dolphin-striker was triced up, the boats were taken on board, and the old sounds of conning the helm began again.