
[ eg-zit, ek-sit ]
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  1. a way or passage out: Please leave the theater by the nearest exit.

  2. any of the marked ramps or spurs providing egress from a highway: Take the second exit after the bridge for the downtown shopping district.

  1. a going out or away; departure: to make one's exit.

  2. a departure of an actor from the stage as part of the action of a play.

  3. Also called exit card .Bridge. a card that enables a player to relinquish the lead when having it is a disadvantage.

verb (used without object)
  1. to go out; leave.

  2. Bridge. to play an exit card.

verb (used with object)
  1. to leave; depart from: Sign out before you exit the building.

Origin of exit

First recorded in 1560–70; partly from Latin exitus “act of going out, departure,” noun derivative of exīre “to go out”; partly noun and verb use of exit2

Words that may be confused with exit

Other definitions for exit (2 of 2)

[ eg-zit, ek-sit ]

verb (used without object)
  1. (a person) goes offstage (used as a stage direction, often preceding the name of the character): Exit Falstaff.

Origin of exit

First recorded in 1540–50; from Latin exit; literally, “(he/she) goes out,” 3rd-person singular present of exīre;see exit1

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use exit in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for exit (1 of 2)


/ (ˈɛɡzɪt, ˈɛksɪt) /

  1. a way out; door or gate by which people may leave

  2. the act or an instance of going out; departure

    • the act of leaving or right to leave a particular place

    • (as modifier): an exit visa

  1. departure from life; death

  2. theatre the act of going offstage

  3. (in Britain) a point at which vehicles may leave or join a motorway

  4. bridge

    • the act of losing the lead deliberately

    • a card enabling one to do this

  1. to go away or out; depart; leave

  2. theatre to go offstage: used as a stage direction: exit Hamlet

  1. bridge to lose the lead deliberately

  2. (sometimes tr) computing to leave (a computer program or system)

Origin of exit

C17: from Latin exitus a departure, from exīre to go out, from ex- 1 + īre to go

British Dictionary definitions for Exit (2 of 2)


/ (ˈɛɡzɪt, ˈɛksɪt) /

  1. (in Britain) a society that seeks to promote the legitimization of voluntary euthanasia

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