
[ fas-i-tid ]
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  1. having facets, or small, polished, flat surfaces, cut on it: Each faceted wine glass is carved carefully from pure lead-free crystal.A rough diamond is significantly less expensive than a faceted diamond gemstone.

  2. (of rock) having a smooth surface cut by water, blowing sand, etc.: These faceted rock fragments have been scratched and planed by rubbing against each other as they were carried along by a glacier.

  1. having a number of distinct aspects or phases (used in combination): This oversimplification of the issue obscures what is actually a many-faceted problem.Here we have a dual-faceted challenge—identifying the equipment needed, and covering its cost.

  2. Computers. relating to or being a search whose results are narrowed down by selecting various filters or criteria: Using the faceted search on this site you could, for example, try to find a book on snails for children aged six to nine, published after 2016, that costs less than $30.

  3. Architecture, Furniture. (of a column) shaped like a polygon with faces cut on it: When remodeling my basement I replaced a plain post in the middle with a faceted column to give the room more character.The ad shows a large antique brass lamp with a faceted column terminating in a circular base.

  4. Zoology. having more than one corneal lens, as the compound eye of an arthropod: Under her microscope, the gall wasp’s faceted eyes glowed in a spectrum of colors.

  1. the simple past tense and past participle of facet.

Origin of faceted

First recorded in 1765–75; facet + -ed2 for defs. 1, 2, 5; facet + -ed3 for defs. 3, 4, 6; facet + -ed1 for def. 7
  • Sometimes fac·et·ted .

Other words from faceted

  • un·fac·et·ed, adjective

Words Nearby faceted

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

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