friend zone

[ frend-zohn ]

  1. a friendship in which one person, typically male, is romantically or sexually attracted to the other, but the attraction is not mutual: He's obviously in love with her but she keeps him in the friend zone.

Origin of friend zone

First recorded in 1990–95

Words Nearby friend zone

Other definitions for friend-zone (2 of 2)

[ frend-zohn ]

verb (used with object),friend-zoned, friend-zon·ing.
  1. Slang. to put (someone) in the friend zone: He wonders why he's always getting friend-zoned by women he likes.

Origin of friend-zone

First recorded in 1990–95 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use friend zone in a sentence