
[ kuh-zoo ]
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noun,plural ka·zoos.
  1. Also called mirliton . a musical toy consisting of a tube that is open at both ends and has a hole in the side covered with parchment or membrane, which produces a buzzing sound when the performer hums into one end.

  2. Slang.

Idioms about kazoo

  1. pain in the kazoo, Slang. pain (def. 5): Organizing the family reunion was a big pain in the kazoo.

  2. up / out the kazoo, Slang. wazoo (def. 3): We pay taxes up the kazoo, but the streets are still full of potholes and trash collection comes late.

Origin of kazoo

An Americanism dating back to 1880–85; 1965–70 for def. 2; origin uncertain; alleged to be imitative; see wazoo

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for kazoo


/ (kəˈzuː) /

nounplural -zoos
  1. a cigar-shaped musical instrument of metal or plastic with a membranous diaphragm of thin paper that vibrates with a nasal sound when the player hums into it

Origin of kazoo

C20: probably imitative of the sound produced

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