law agent

  1. (in Scotland) a solicitor holding a certificate from the Law Society of Scotland and thereby entitled to appear for a client in any Sheriff Court

Words Nearby law agent

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How to use law agent in a sentence

  • The house, at the time Mr. Sinclair writes, was occupied by Mr. Thomas Coltheart, a law agent.

    Animal Ghosts | Elliott O'Donnell
  • Matters of business with his law agent had called him to the capital, where he expected to be detained for a day or two.

    Sir Jasper Carew | Charles James Lever
  • When we landed at Dover, we also met Mr. Austin, my father's former law agent, and one of his sincerest friends.

    Manners, Vol 2 of 3 | Frances Brooke
  • A law-agent is provided for his assistance, and he is told that anything he says by way of declaration may be used against him.

  • He's Mr. M'Kinlay, from London, the family law-agent, going over to the cottage.

    Luttrell Of Arran | Charles James Lever