magnetic recording

  1. the process of recording sound or other data on magnetic tape, wire, etc.

Origin of magnetic recording

First recorded in 1940–45

Other words from magnetic recording

  • magnetic recorder, noun

Words Nearby magnetic recording Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

Scientific definitions for magnetic recording

magnetic recording

  1. The recording of a signal, such as sound or computer instructions, in the form of a magnetic pattern on a magnetizable surface, such as tape or a disk coated with metal oxides. In the recording process, small electromagnets are used to convert an electrical signal into a magnetic one that magnetizes that surface. The value of the signal at any given point corresponds to the degree and polarity of magnetization of the surface at a corresponding point. During playback, the opposite process occurs, and the magnetic fields along the surface are converted into electrical signals for further processing.

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