
[ noh-buhl ]
See synonyms for: noblenoblernoblestnobleness on

adjective,no·bler, no·blest.
  1. distinguished by rank or title.

  2. pertaining to persons so distinguished.

  1. of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to the aristocracy.

  2. of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence: a noble thought.

  3. admirable in dignity of conception, manner of expression, execution, or composition:a noble poem.

  4. very impressive or imposing in appearance: a noble monument.

  5. of an admirably high quality; notably superior; excellent

  6. Chemistry. inert; chemically inactive.

  7. Falconry. (of a hawk) having excellent qualities or abilities.

  1. a person of noble birth or rank; nobleman or noblewoman.

  2. a former gold coin of England, first issued in 1346 by Edward III, equal to half a mark or 6s. 8d., replaced in 1464 under Edward IV by the rose noble.

  1. (in Britain) a peer.

Origin of noble

First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English, from Old French, from Latin (g)nōbilis “notable, of high rank,” equivalent to (g)nō-, root of (g)nōscere “to get to know, find out” + -bilis adjective suffix; see origin at know1,-ble

synonym study For noble

4. Noble, high-minded, magnanimous agree in referring to lofty principles and loftiness of mind or spirit. Noble implies a loftiness of character or spirit that scorns the petty, mean, base, or dishonorable: a noble deed. High-minded implies having elevated principles and consistently adhering to them: a high-minded pursuit of legal reforms. Magnanimous suggests greatness of mind or soul, especially as manifested in generosity or in overlooking injuries: magnanimous toward his former enemies.

Other words for noble

Opposites for noble

Other words from noble

  • no·ble·ness, noun
  • non·no·ble, adjective
  • o·ver·no·ble, adjective
  • o·ver·no·ble·ness, noun
  • o·ver·no·b·ly, adverb
  • pseu·do·no·ble, adjective

Words Nearby noble Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use noble in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for noble


/ (ˈnəʊbəl) /

  1. of or relating to a hereditary class with special social or political status, often derived from a feudal period

  2. of or characterized by high moral qualities; magnanimous: a noble deed

  1. having dignity or eminence; illustrious

  2. grand or imposing; magnificent: a noble avenue of trees

  3. of superior quality or kind; excellent: a noble strain of horses

  4. chem

    • (of certain elements) chemically unreactive

    • (of certain metals, esp copper, silver, and gold) resisting oxidation

  5. falconry

    • designating long-winged falcons that capture their quarry by stooping on it from above: Compare ignoble

    • designating the type of quarry appropriate to a particular species of falcon

  1. a person belonging to a privileged social or political class whose status is usually indicated by a title conferred by sovereign authority or descent

  2. (in the British Isles) a person holding the title of duke, marquess, earl, viscount, or baron, or a feminine equivalent

  1. a former Brit gold coin having the value of one third of a pound

Origin of noble

C13: via Old French from Latin nōbilis, originally, capable of being known, hence well-known, noble, from noscere to know

Derived forms of noble

  • nobleness, noun
  • nobly, adverb

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