
[ os-truh-siz-uhm ]
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  1. exclusion, by general consent, from social acceptance, privileges, friendship, etc.

  2. (in ancient Greece) temporary banishment of a citizen, decided upon by popular vote.

Origin of ostracism

1570–80; <New Latin ostracismus<Greek ostrakismós banishment, equivalent to ostrak(ízein) to ostracize + -ismos-ism

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use ostracism in a sentence

  • Even Spreckels and Phelan, despite their wealth and long established standing, suffered certain social ostracisms.

    Port O' Gold | Louis John Stellman
  • The inquisitions and dungeons and social ostracisms for opinion's sake belong to it.

    The Church and Modern Life | Washington Gladden