pay down

  1. (adverb) to pay (a sum of money) at the time of purchase as the first of a series of instalments

Words Nearby pay down

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How to use pay down in a sentence

  • They pay down a certain sum, as caution-money, to some mandarin, and the latter answers for them.

  • And when he was unable to do that, Hipparchus would not pay down his silver, until he could make further inquiry.

    The Inhumanity of Socialism | Edward F. Adams
  • There is nothing that looks so respectable as being able to pay down, say, ten thousand pounds, when you are called upon.

    Grif | B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon
  • I offered him any money in reason, I would pay any sum they might fix, pay down on the nail and give my bond for the rest.

    The Passenger from Calais | Arthur Griffiths
  • It is only a home for those who can pay down for their accommodation.

    The Log of a Sea-Waif | Frank T. Bullen