lap joint

  1. Also called plain lap. a joint, as between two pieces of metal or timber, in which the pieces overlap without any change in form.

  2. any of various joints between two members, as timbers, in which an end or section of one is partly cut away to be overlapped by an end or section of the other, often so that flush surfaces result.

Origin of lap joint

First recorded in 1815–25

Other words from lap joint

  • lap-jointed, adjective

Words Nearby lap joint Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use lap joint in a sentence

  • Cut the ends diagonally so that they will make a lap joint instead of a square one.

    Farm Engines and How to Run Them | James H. Stephenson
  • The seams near the bottom were so deeply "furrowed" or corroded just above the lap joint in a continuous line that they rent open.

    Records of Steam Boiler Explosions | Edward Bindon Marten
  • The two vanes are joined with a middle lap joint, which requires considerable skill in forming.

    Toy Craft | Leon H. Baxter
  • A middle lap joint is made exactly in the center of each vane, cutting half through on each piece and making a smooth, flush fit.

    Toy Craft | Leon H. Baxter
  • A cross-lap joint is a halved joint in which both members project both ways from the joint.

    Handwork in Wood | William Noyes

British Dictionary definitions for lap joint

lap joint

  1. a joint made by placing one member over another and fastening them together: Also called: lapped joint

Derived forms of lap joint

  • lap-jointed, adjective

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