
  1. a combining form representing pollen in compound words: polliniferous.

  • Also especially before a vowel, pollin-.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use pollini- in a sentence

  • This brings us to the core conceptual issue, which Herndon, Ash and Pollin argue greatly biases our results.

    Rogoff and Reinhart Respond | Megan McArdle | April 17, 2013 | THE DAILY BEAST
  • I never thought I had no gift for public speakin', 'less 'twas for drivin' cattle or pollin' the house town-meetin' days.

  • It was the driver, Toni Pollin, who was shouting to them to make haste if they wished to catch the steamer at Menaggio.

    The Patriot | Antonio Fogazzaro
  • Don't he rent the parlor for a pollin' booth on votin' day, hire himself for a scrooteneer, and have my uncle Henry for constable?

  • Mike Riordan, him that kept th' pollin'-place in th' good days iv old, was th' on'y wan iv th' race iv ancient heroes on earth.

    Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War | Finley Peter Dunne