
[ pop-in-jey ]
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  1. a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter; coxcomb; fop.

  2. British Dialect. a woodpecker, especially the green woodpecker.

  1. Archaic. the figure of a parrot usually fixed on a pole and used as a target in archery and gun shooting.

  2. Archaic. a parrot.

Origin of popinjay

First recorded in 1275–1325; Middle English papejay, popingay, papinjai(e), from Middle French papegai, papingay “parrot,” ultimately from Arabic bab(ba)ghā', probably imitative of the bird's cry

Words Nearby popinjay

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use popinjay in a sentence

  • That spruce, affected little popinjay over there, who looks as if he had been drinking verjuice.

    Catherine de' Medici | Honore de Balzac
  • Then will they miss seeing a man, and not a popinjay, I retorted.

    By order of the company | Mary Johnston
  • You might argue with them all day, and you could not make them feel so small as I made that popinjay feel in one hour.

  • When the class war came, he would naturally he found shooting down the workmen; but for any other war, an ignorant popinjay!

  • The very quintessence of popinjay vulgarity is reached when nicely is made to do service for well, in this wise: "How do you do?"

    The Verbalist | Thomas Embly Osmun, (AKA Alfred Ayres)

British Dictionary definitions for popinjay


/ (ˈpɒpɪnˌdʒeɪ) /

  1. a conceited, foppish, or excessively talkative person

  2. an archaic word for parrot

  1. the figure of a parrot used as a target

Origin of popinjay

C13 papeniai, from Old French papegay a parrot, from Spanish papagayo, from Arabic babaghā

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