private judgment

  1. personal opinion formed independently of the expressed position of an institution, as in matters of religion or politics.

Words Nearby private judgment Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use private judgment in a sentence

  • This idea of private judgment is what separates the Catholics from the Protestants; not most ostensibly, but most vitally.

  • We now have the application of the right of private judgment in the theory that one's morals are one's own concern.

    Our Lady Saint Mary | J. G. H. Barry
  • Protestantism boasts of having asserted the right of private judgment.

    Flowers of Freethought | George W. Foote
  • She not only had an approximate vision of what every one had done, but she had a private judgment for each case.

  • This principle, my friends, seems to me to be intimately connected with our right of private judgment.

    Studies of Christianity | James Martineau