psychic energy

  1. according to Freud, the force that lies behind all mental processes, having its basic source as the id.

Origin of psychic energy

First recorded in 1920–25

Words Nearby psychic energy Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use psychic energy in a sentence

  • The explanation is as follows: I possess, let us say, 100 units of psychic energy which I might use in attention.

    Criminal Psychology | Hans Gross
  • How the crystal, magic-mirror, etc., serves to focus the psychic energy of the clairvoyant person.

  • For a moment I gathered all my psychic energy and concentrated on the single crucial problem of stopping that leak.

    Last Resort | Stephen Bartholomew
  • In a neurosis psychic energy is undoubtedly present, but in an inferior and not realisable form.

  • psychic energy is indeed a fastidious thing, that insists upon having its own conditions fulfilled.