
[ kwilt ]
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  1. a coverlet for a bed, made of two layers of fabric with some soft substance, as wool or down, between them and stitched in patterns or tufted through all thicknesses in order to prevent the filling from shifting.

  2. anything quilted or resembling a quilt.

  1. a bedspread or counterpane, especially a thick one.

  2. Obsolete. a mattress.

verb (used with object)
  1. to stitch together (two pieces of cloth and a soft interlining), usually in an ornamental pattern.

  2. to sew up between pieces of material.

  1. to pad or line with material.

verb (used without object)
  1. to make quilts or quilted work.

Origin of quilt

1250–1300; Middle English quilte<Old French cuilte<Latin culcita mattress, cushion

Other words from quilt

  • quilter, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for quilt


/ (kwɪlt) /

  1. a thick warm cover for a bed, consisting of a soft filling sewn between two layers of material, usually with crisscross seams

  2. a bedspread or counterpane

  1. anything quilted or resembling a quilt

  1. to stitch together (two pieces of fabric) with (a thick padding or lining) between them: to quilt cotton and wool

  2. to create (a garment, covering, etc) in this way

  1. to pad with material

  2. Australian informal to strike; clout

Origin of quilt

C13: from Old French coilte mattress, from Latin culcita stuffed item of bedding

Derived forms of quilt

  • quilter, noun

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