
[ rek-wuh-zish-uhn ]
See synonyms for: requisitionrequisitioned on

  1. the act of requiring or demanding.

  2. a demand made.

  1. an authoritative or formal demand for something to be done, given, supplied, etc.: The general issued a requisition to the townspeople for eight trucks.

  2. a written request or order for something, as supplies.

  3. the form on which such an order is drawn up.

  4. the state of beingrequired for use or called into service: to put something in requisition.

  5. a requirement or essential condition.

verb (used with object)
  1. to require or take for use; press into service.

  2. to demand or take, as by authority, for military purposes, public needs, etc.: to requisition supplies.

Origin of requisition

1375–1425; late Middle English <Latin requīsītiōn- (stem of requīsītiō) a searching, equivalent to Latin requīsīt(us) requisite + -iōn--ion

Other words from requisition

  • req·ui·si·tion·ar·y, adjective
  • req·ui·si·tion·ist, req·ui·si·tion·er, noun
  • non·req·ui·si·tion, noun
  • un·req·ui·si·tioned, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use requisition in a sentence

  • They would consider the notion of requisitioning the royal train as absurd.

    William at Thirty | Tom Sykes | June 21, 2012 | THE DAILY BEAST
  • On the other hand all requisitioning on the part of the Germans was to cease.

    The Franco-German War of 1870-71 | Count Helmuth, von Moltke
  • In the towns or villages where they stop, they begin by requisitioning food and drink, which they consume till intoxicated.

  • The vouchers are marked with the signature of the officer doing the requisitioning, and with the stamp of the regiment.

    Our Part in the Great War | Arthur Gleason
  • Charles with his army marched north to Glasgow, where they remained eight days, requisitioning supplies from the town.

    Bonnie Prince Charlie | G. A. Henty
  • I have already spoken of the so-called "requisitioning" that took place among our people while I was working at Saffêd.

    With the Turks in Palestine | Alexander Aaronsohn

British Dictionary definitions for requisition


/ (ˌrɛkwɪˈzɪʃən) /

  1. a request or demand, esp an authoritative or formal one

  2. an official form on which such a demand is made

  1. the act of taking something over, esp temporarily for military or public use in time of emergency

  2. a necessary or essential condition; requisite

  3. a formal request by one government to another for the surrender of a fugitive from justice

  1. to demand and take for use or service, esp by military or public authority

  2. (may take an infinitive) to require (someone) formally to do (something): to requisition a soldier to drive a staff officer's car

Derived forms of requisition

  • requisitionary, adjective

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