
[ sey-ver ]
See synonyms for: savorsavoredsavoringsavorless on

  1. the quality in a substance that affects the sense of taste or of smell.

  2. a particular taste or smell.

  1. distinctive quality or property.

  2. power to excite or interest.

  3. Archaic. repute.

verb (used without object)
  1. to have savor, taste, or odor.

  2. to exhibit the peculiar characteristics; smack (often followed by of): His business practices savor of greed.

verb (used with object)
  1. to give a savor to; season; flavor.

  2. to perceive by taste or smell, especially with relish: to savor the garden's odors.

  1. to give oneself to the enjoyment of: to savor the best in life.

Origin of savor

First recorded in 1175–1225; (noun) Middle English sav(o)ur, from Old French savour, from Latin sapōrem, accusative of sapor “taste,” derivative of sapere “to taste” (cf. sapient); (verb) Middle English sav(o)uren, from Old French savourer, from Late Latin sapōrāre, derivative of sapor
  • Also especially British, sa·vour .

synonym study For savor

1. See taste.

usage note For savor

See -or1.

Other words for savor

Other words from savor

  • sa·vor·er, noun
  • sa·vor·ing·ly, adverb
  • sa·vor·less, adjective
  • sa·vor·ous, adjective
  • outsavor, verb (used with object)
  • un·sa·vored, adjective

Words that may be confused with savor Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use savor in a sentence

  • A strange doctrine, that; savoring perhaps of heterodoxy, and perilous to be adopted by such as can not fathom it thoroughly.

    Sword and Gown | George A. Lawrence
  • Nobody else was there and he walked over to the railing and leaned on it, looking across the water and savoring loneliness.

    The Sensitive Man | Poul William Anderson
  • It would be a book savoring not of white alcohol but of the salty unshed Tears, the dry artistic Griefs of Josephina.

    I, Mary MacLane | Mary MacLane
  • He disappeared in answer to a telephone call, and she closed her eyes, savoring the pleasure of the little scene.

    The Squirrel-Cage | Dorothy Canfield
  • Unlike the Thoracic, he avoids extremes in everything and dislikes anything savoring of the "showy" or conspicuous.

    How to Analyze People on Sight | Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict