
[ skawf, skof ]
See synonyms for: scoffscoffingscoffer on

verb (used without object)
  1. to speak derisively; mock; jeer (often followed by at): If you can't do any better, don't scoff. Their efforts toward a peaceful settlement are not to be scoffed at.

verb (used with object)
  1. to mock at; deride.

  1. an expression of mockery, derision, doubt, or derisive scorn; jeer.

  2. an object of mockery or derision.

Origin of scoff

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English scof; origin uncertain, but compare Old Norse skopa “to scorn”

synonym study For scoff

1. Scoff, jeer, sneer imply behaving with scornful disapproval toward someone or about something. To scoff is to express insolent doubt or derision, openly and emphatically: to scoff at a new invention. To jeer suggests expressing disapproval and scorn more loudly, coarsely, and unintelligently than in scoffing: The crowd jeered when the batter struck out. To sneer is to show by facial expression or tone of voice ill-natured contempt or disparagement: He sneered unpleasantly in referring to his opponent's misfortunes.

Other words for scoff

Opposites for scoff

Other words from scoff

  • scoff·er, noun
  • scoff·ing·ly, adverb

Other definitions for scoff (2 of 2)

[ skawf, skof ]

verb (used with or without object)
  1. to eat voraciously.

  1. food; grub.

Origin of scoff

First recorded in 1855–60; earlier scaff; origin uncertain Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use scoff in a sentence

  • "Those Jews of yours have imbued you well with their cautious spirit, I see," said she, scoffingly.

    That Boy Of Norcott's | Charles James Lever
  • “I have seen many such butterflies dancing in the sun,” he said scoffingly.

    The Great Mogul | Louis Tracy
  • As Dalzell offered this explanation he faced Lieutenant Barnes, who was eying him scoffingly.

  • His conduct called forth a rebuke from his wife Michal, who scoffingly charged him with behaving like a public clown.

  • And at this covert reminder of his defeat Myles's followers laughed scoffingly and Blunt bit his lip.

    Men of Iron | Howard Pyle

British Dictionary definitions for scoff (1 of 2)


/ (skɒf) /

  1. (intr often foll by at) to speak contemptuously (about); express derision (for); mock

  2. (tr) obsolete to regard with derision

  1. an expression of derision

  2. an object of derision

Origin of scoff

C14: probably from Scandinavian; compare Old Frisian skof mockery, Danish skof, skuf jest

Derived forms of scoff

  • scoffer, noun
  • scoffing, adjective
  • scoffingly, adverb

British Dictionary definitions for scoff (2 of 2)


/ (skɒf) informal, mainly British /

  1. to eat (food) fast and greedily; devour

  1. food or rations

Origin of scoff

C19: variant of scaff food; related to Afrikaans, Dutch schoft quarter of the day, one of the four daily meals

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