
/ (ˈʃæmbəlz) /

noun(functioning as singular or plural)
  1. a place of great disorder: the room was a shambles after the party

  2. a place where animals are brought to be slaughtered

  1. any place of slaughter or carnage

  2. British dialect a row of covered stalls or shops where goods, originally meat, are sold

Origin of shambles

C14 shamble table used by meat vendors, from Old English sceamel stool, from Late Latin scamellum a small bench, from Latin scamnum stool

Words Nearby shambles

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

How to use shambles in a sentence

  • He would spare her the sight that must before many moments be spread to view within that shambles.

    St. Martin's Summer | Rafael Sabatini
  • But to act, I have come, madame, to liberate from this shambles the gentle lamb you hold here prisoned.

    St. Martin's Summer | Rafael Sabatini
  • One might as well talk to driven cattle in the shambles about their ‘sacred mission’ as to women.

  • They reminded him of the beeves in the shambles of the elder Varro.

    The Lion's Brood | Duffield Osborne
  • Thus the innocent foreign-born readers are led like sheep to the shambles, and Privilege gains another intrenching-tool.

    The Old World in the New | Edward Alsworth Ross