
[ shur-bit ]
See synonyms for sherbet on
  1. Sometimes sher·bert [shur-burt] /ˈʃɜr bɜrt/ . a frozen dessert made with sweetened fruit juice or purée, typically containing milk or cream, with egg white or gelatin often added.

  2. a traditional Middle Eastern drink made of sweetened fruit juice diluted with water and ice.

  1. Chiefly British. a sweetened powder moistened in the mouth and eaten as a fizzy confection or mixed with water to make a fizzy drink.

Origin of sherbet

First recorded in 1595–1605; from Turkish şerbet, from Persian sharbat, from Arabic sharbah “a drink,” from shariba “to drink”

Words that may be confused with sherbet Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use sherbet in a sentence

  • I shook myself, drank some sherbert, and kicked off one shoe impatiently.

    Mr. Jacobs | Arlo Bates

British Dictionary definitions for sherbet


/ (ˈʃɜːbət) /

  1. a fruit-flavoured slightly effervescent powder, eaten as a sweet or used to make a drink: lemon sherbet

  2. US and Canadian a water ice made from fruit juice, egg whites, milk, etc: Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): sorbet

  1. Australian slang beer

  2. a cooling Oriental drink of sweetened fruit juice

  3. Southern African informal a euphemistic word for shit taboo

Origin of sherbet

C17: from Turkish şerbet, from Persian sharbat, from Arabic sharbah drink, from shariba to drink

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