taxation without representation

nounAmerican History.
  1. a phrase, generally attributed to James Otis about 1761, that reflected the resentment of American colonists at being taxed by a British Parliament to which they elected no representatives and became an anti-British slogan before the American Revolution; in full, “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”

Words Nearby taxation without representation Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use taxation without representation in a sentence

  • "taxation without representation" was the cause of the war of the American Revolution, but that is another matter.

  • This hullabaloo about no taxation without representation fills the ears of the ignorant.

    Rodney, the Ranger | John V. Lane
  • The cry passed through the land: "No taxation without representation!"

    The Story of American History | Albert F. Blaisdell
  • Militancy among the suffragists continued to flare up here and there in resistance to taxation without representation.

    Susan B. Anthony | Alma Lutz