
[ val-yuhnt-lee ]
See synonyms for valiantly on
  1. in a bold and stouthearted way; bravely or courageously: The Polish troops fought valiantly in World War II, and were crucial to the Allied victory.

  2. in a heroic way that shows determination and tenacity: Since the storm, utility crews have struggled valiantly to restore power, often working 16-hour shifts for days on end.

  1. in a worthy or excellent way: Medieval art valiantly, exhaustively, fleshes out one perceptual model after another for what triumphantly escapes human perception: God, death, power, love, and so on.

Origin of valiantly


Other words from valiantly

  • o·ver·val·iant·ly, adverb
  • un·val·iant·ly, adverb

Words Nearby valiantly Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use valiantly in a sentence