white ash

  1. See under ash2 (def. 1).

Origin of white ash

An Americanism dating back to 1675–85

Words Nearby white ash

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use white ash in a sentence

  • Turn on a gas grill to medium or light a charcoal grill and let the coals burn until medium-hot and covered with white ash.

    Celeb Chefs’ Favorite BBQ Recipes | Jacquelynn D. Powers | July 1, 2011 | THE DAILY BEAST
  • He watched the white ash trembling upon his cigar for a moment before he spoke.

    Mysterious Mr. Sabin | E. Phillips Oppenheim
  • In the brazier which had warmed her tent the glowing bark and cinnamon had turned to cold, white ash.

    Under the Rose | Frederic Stewart Isham
  • A flare, and they were white ash trying to escape from a valley of burning rocks; then even that was free to rise.

    Somehow Good | William de Morgan
  • To-night, however, he did not sleep, but sat and watched the glow of the embers slowly fade beneath a coat of white ash.

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