

or whizz

[ wiz, hwiz ]
See synonyms for: whizwhizzedwhizzeswhizzing on Thesaurus.com

verb (used without object),whizzed, whiz·zing.
  1. to make a humming, buzzing, or hissing sound, as an object passing swiftly through the air.

  2. to move or rush with such a sound: The angry hornets whizzed by in a cloud.

verb (used with object),whizzed, whiz·zing.
  1. to cause to whiz.

  2. to treat with a whizzer.

  1. Informal. a person who is quite good at a particular activity, in a certain field, etc.: She's a whiz at math.

  2. the sound of a whizzing object.

  1. a swift movement producing such a sound.

Origin of whiz

1540–50; imitative; cf. fizz

Other words from whiz

  • whiz·zing·ly, adverb

Words Nearby whiz

Other definitions for whiz (2 of 2)

[ wiz, hwiz ]

Origin of whiz

By shortening

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use whiz in a sentence