
[ yes ]
See synonyms for yes on
  1. (used to express affirmation or assent or to mark the addition of something emphasizing and amplifying a previous statement): Do you want that? Yes, I do.

  2. (used to express an emphatic contradiction of a previously negative statement or command): Don't do that! Oh, yes I will!

  1. (used, usually interrogatively, to express hesitation, uncertainty, curiosity, etc.): “Yes?” he said as he opened the door. That was a marvelous show! Yes?

  2. (used to express polite or minimal interest or attention.)

noun,plural yes·es.
  1. an affirmative reply.

verb (used with object),yessed, yes·sing.
  1. to give an affirmative reply to; give assent or approval to.

  1. (used as a strong expression of joy, pleasure, or approval.)

Origin of yes

First recorded before 900; Middle English yes, yis, Old English gēse (adverb and noun), probably equivalent to gēa yea + “be it” (present subjunctive singular of bēon “to be”; see be ) Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use yes in a sentence

  • She talked into the inter-office phone, did a lot of listening and yessing.

    Ye of Little Faith | Roger Phillips Graham

British Dictionary definitions for yes


/ (jɛs) /

sentence substitute
  1. used to express acknowledgment, affirmation, consent, agreement, or approval or to answer when one is addressed

  2. used, often with interrogative intonation, to signal someone to speak or keep speaking, enter a room, or do something

  1. an answer or vote of yes

  2. (often plural) a person who votes in the affirmative

Origin of yes

Old English gēse, from iā sīe may it be; see yea

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