

Blue Shield

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Example Sentences

County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher refused to say why the county hadn’t partnered with Blue Shield, the company running the state’s vaccination program, the Union-Tribune reported Wednesday.

Fletcher said the county is in ongoing discussions with Blue Shield, but declined to specify why they hadn’t struck a deal.

The Blue Cross-Blue Shield group says 80 to 85 percent of enrollees have been paying.

The other half of enrollees purchased policies, mostly the one offered by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

Blue Shield, for example, submitted a plan to Covered California which offers access to only 36% of their physician network.

First, congressionally charter Blue Cross-Blue Shield as a monopoly to provide basic coverage to all Americans, except retirees.

Hirni represented companies like Walmart and Blue Cross and Blue Shield through an outfit with the same name in 2007.

At its end there is a blue shield-shaped blot like a tattoo mark.

Beta floated above them, the blue shield of her atmosphere shining softly in the light of Beta's sun.

The ancient arms of the kings of France, the blue shield powdered with golden fleurs-de-lys, appear even later.

Beside him rides Espartafilardo of the Wood, whose blue shield is powdered with asparagus plants.

Around all lay the great sea, like a transparent blue shield, on which the sun glinted in myriad ripples of burnished gold.





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