

deputy minister


  1. (in Canada) the senior civil servant in a government department

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Example Sentences

But the deputy minister was careful to avoid saying Crimea is protected by Russian forces.

Today, it was a deputy minister from Netanyahu's own party who undermined his begrudging support for the two-state solution.

“In 2009 the Afghan government released a Taliban deputy minister known as Shahid Khel,” the officer recalls.

But Nayef also hates Iranians and all Shiites, and his son and deputy minister has become a ruthless foe of al Qaeda.

The Syndic saw the Deputy-Minister with surprise, but was far from guessing the real cause of his appearance.

Therefore, with all respect to the Deputy-Minister, he ventured to think it possible Mr. Eversleigh might understand.

Every sycophant to the deputy minister forgot for an instant the idol of power to contemplate that of beauty.

The deputy minister then showed her the letter of the spy Jesuit, and that of the perfidious bailiff.

There, on the floor, were Ucelli, and above him the Deputy-Minister holding him by the throat.





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