


abbreviation for

  1. electronic medical record.

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My wife is an internist who works for a company that keeps records on an EMR.

As your Alert Readers note, EMR data entry is very time consuming.

One workaround is for EMR software to include pre-programmed template notes.

Before I switched to this work I was an internist for a large HMO, entering my notes into an EMR.

Mickey Kaus . . . er, well, takes the mickey out of overcredulous supporters of EMR.

The Emr and his party left us, having been thoroughly disgusted with the journey and with the rain.

The Emr was not content with our sipping coffee; he insisted on our eating salt with him.

Saul was little more than a peasant-prince, a local emr, and such state as he had was of the humblest description.





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