

Gray Lady


  1. a female worker in the American Red Cross who serves as a volunteer aide in medical services.

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Statistics whiz Nate Silver brought huge traffic to the Gray Lady, and now ESPN stands to win big.

Changing Times Ken Auletta, The New Yorker Jill Abramson takes charge of the Gray Lady.

Digital access to the Gray Lady will soon start at $15 every four weeks.

But this accusation, dismissed by the Gray Lady, misses a key point: how incredibly juicy the scandal is.

Heading into the fourth day of competition, upstart Wall Street Journal was nipping at the heels of the Gray Lady.

No one else stopped them until they reached the Little Gray Lady's porch.

She kissed the orchid and gray lady lightly on the top of the head.

"I wish she knew who my gray lady is," put in Tess, rather complainingly.

Ruth had been with Tess to call on Mrs. Eland, and the little gray lady had told them all about it.

The lad had been indignant at the “molly-coddling” and had hurt the tender heart of the Gray Lady by some angry words.





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