

heart murmur


  1. an abnormal sound heard through a stethoscope over the region of the heart

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Example Sentences

He 'most cried to let me go, an' was for waivin' the heart murmur, but it seems I got a floatin' kidney, an' flat feet.

A doctor declared that a heart murmur made the necessary training quite impossible and I thanked God when I heard it.

A skilled physician will detect the faint sounds denoting a respiratory trouble or a "heart murmur" in the patients.

And in the meantime let our heart murmur, if it will, "It is sad," but let our reason be content to add "So it must be."

The three men forming my Board said I had a well-marked heart murmur, and all three solemnly shook hands with me.





heart-lung machineheart not in it