

View synonyms for knock over

knock over

  1. Steal or burgle, as in They knocked over one bank and headed for another . [ Slang ; 1920s]

  2. Astonish, overcome, as in Their resemblance completely knocked me over . [Mid-1800s] Also see knock for a loop .

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Example Sentences

Captain Lovelock got up as well; Bernard heard him knock over his little gilded chair.

Leaving us so engaged, the general started to try to knock over some of the numerous water-fowl in sight.

Now, if I am fortunate enough to knock over an elk, we'll have a supper such as people in the cities do not often enjoy.

There is not one of these who, for the merest trifle, couldn't knock over the best case in the world.

If I should flop my wings I believe I'd knock over the whole village!





knockout dropsknock over with a feather